Discover Enfantillages by Léonore Confino

A play by Léonore Confino.
Directed by Alexiane Cazenave with Laura Turcatti and David Meslet.
Original music by Guillaume Cazenave.
Assitant Scenographer : Delphine Leroux
Enfantillages tells the story of ELLE (her) and LUI (Him), a couple raising a nonverbal child. The writing is witty and punchy, funny at times, as we are thrown into their struggles as a family, parents and individuals.

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The team

Laura Turcatti – actor
Laura is “Elle” in the play Enfantillages by Léonore Confino. She lives in London and is Swiss-Urugayan.
Laura graduated from the prestigious Cours Florent (classe libre) in 2012. She got to work with various directors like Philippe Duclos (Tartuffe by Molière), Laurent Natrella (adaption of Victor Hugo’s plays,) Les possédés collective, (Stilla Vaten by Lars Norénà) or with Hugo Horsin, for La Fabrique, a creation mixing clown and music, awarded many times.
Laura has always explored different acting styles during her career. She is passionate about improv and is a part of the popular French British Improvisation league (FBI). She represented Switzerland at the international improv match which took place in London in 2023.
Laura is one of the cofounder of Onzala Collective (film productions). Their film 100 Lendemains won 4 awards at the 48h film festival UK, including best actress, for Laura.
Recently, Laura has appeared on the popular french TV series “ Scènes de Ménages”.

David Meslet – actor
David is “Lui” in the play Enfantillages by Léonore Confino. He is from Lyon and graduated from the Ecole de Management de Lyon, Programme Grande Ecole.
He is a Meisner-trained Actor (with Keith Farquahar). He also trained in Method Acting with Robert Castle from the Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute in New York.
On stage, he performed in a lot of improv shows and is a founder of the Royal Gambas team and the Equipe Bis. He teaches improv in a theatre school and a musical theatre school.
David joined the popular French British Improvisation league (FBI) when he moved to London and founded the long-form improv company Valet de coeur.
David has appeared in two independent feature films in which he was the lead actor. He was nominated in the Best Actor Category at the 48H Film Festival UK for the film 100 Lendemains.
David is also a voice actor and has been the French voice of Russell Crowe and Dominic Purcell.

Alexiane Cazenave – director
Alexiane is an actor/director from France. She moved to London in 2012.
First trained as a classical actor, she finally specialises in the Meisner technique, exploring on the way Mime, Commedia Dell Arte or No theatre. Those various approaches to acting and stage work now influence her practice as a director.
Today, Alexiane is in charge of the theatre department of ArtFabric London, for which she teaches theatre in French around London and directs plays all year round.
Recently, she has directed Dear Humans, by Simon Wroe, which was performed at the Cadogan Hall in May 2023 and is now working on another show “Caffè Léonardo” to be performed at the Cadogan Hall in May 2024.

Guillaume Cazenave – Composer
For over 25 years, Guillaume has worked as a composer both on his personal projects (he has made several albums, juggling with styles and concepts) and commercial projects (corporate films, commercials, video games, films).
His music could be described as an ongoing research of new atmospheres and sound textures.
Guillaume is also an author, and his next novel, “Ma” a fantasy saga, is soon to be published.
About the author

Léonore Confino
Writer and actor, Léonore Confino, ran away at the age of 16 to Montreal to perfect her skills in trapeze. On her return, she embarked on an acting career as well as studying documentary filming at l’Esec. In 2001 she was selected by the Adami as one of the most promising young talents and appeared in a Tchekhov play directed by Niels Arestrup. She went on to work with Jean-Claude Penchenat, Serge Lipszyc, Catherine Schaub. She was prompted to write during her work on various assignments observing her surroundings, people, situations and the desire to write full-time was confirmed by her discovery of Levin, Schisgal, Pinter, Schimmelpfennig. In 2009 she started writing a triptych, the first of which was entitled RING, then BUILDING in 2010 in which she studies our daily failures and weaknesses. BUILDING was awarded the Grand Prix du théâtre 2011. She then went on to write the third play of the trypitch entitled LES UNS SUR LES AUTRES about a family and the relationship between each member. All three plays were directed by Catherine Schaub and were published by l’œil du Prince.
RING was nominated for Best Author during the Molières ceremony in 2014.
Photo © Sarah Robine
What the audience says:
Un vrai et beau tourbillon, à ne pas manquer, vraiment.
“A beautiful whirlwind, not to be missed.”
Check all the audience reviews here