An adaptation of the play by Jean Giraudoux
The play takes place the day before the outbreak of the Trojan War inside the gates of the city of Troy. It follows the struggle of the disillusioned Trojan military commander Hector as he tries to avoid war with the Greeks.
A war for a woman, Helen, who represents for the Trojan men an opportunity for glory, when Hector only sees her as destruction.

The world has change since 1936, when the play was written. The challenge was to approach it with contemporary eyes. First, what does Helen have to say in all this? And how can we tell the same story but highlight different questions?
What makes a hero? And, what a makes a heroine?

We have decided to experience putting on a play where we’re actors and directors at the same time. Working on a shared vision of the show, we found that this collaborative work gave birth to exciting and unexpected ideas, bringing the work to another level of exploration.
Co-directed by / with:
Henri Brugère, Alexiane Cazenave and Pierre Simonnet.

Henri Brugère is an actor, writer, director and video editor, doing improvisation theatre with the FBI for several years. He learnt and practiced theatre with Caroline Roussel and is part of Onzala, a production company with which he writes, produces and distributes short movies with the ambition to do more.
Alexiane Cazenave is an actor, director, and drama teacher. She works for the theatre company Art Fabric, and is the founder of Perspective Productions.
Some of her recent directing credits include
– Les discussions Art FabriC, a podcast about improv, for Art FabriC (2020-21)
– Comédies Tragiques, An online show, based on the play by Catherine Anne, for The Art FabriC (2020)
– Gazes, by Candice Morel (Chapel Playhouse) for Impossible Theatre. (2020)
– Alice et autres merveilles, a radio play. Written by Fabrice Melquiot and co-directed with Delphine Leroux, for Le Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle. (2020)
– Small Talk, by Carole Fréchette (Hen and Chickens) for Art Fabric. ( 2019)
More at: www.alexianecazenave.com
Pierre Simonnet is an actor, and also a long time member of the the highly successful improv company FBI (French British Improvisation).